星期一, 八月 22, 2005

no particular order

Couple random thoughts...

1. If you want something, ask God. He might give it to you, he might not. If it's good he certainly will. But ask, we miss out of a lot of cool stuff that way.

2. Don't settle for anything less than what God wants. He's infinitely wise and knows what is good. Don't settle.

3. God provides.

4. God speaks non-verbally, at least for me, I feel like when I hear the Voice of God, it's me translating communicated intuition into a form of speech I can understand. Something gets lost, obviously, but God is willing to take that risk I think. He's so much higher than we are that often his voice comes out like an mp3 which you attempt to record on a cassette tape. It's processed so much (by a machine with a lower processing capacity-us!) that something of the quality of the sound is lost. Thus, we see God 'through a glass darkly' and his voice comes out grainy and distorted and quieter. God doesn't care; however, because it's not silence and at least he gets some communication with his beloved (again--- us)

5. What does it mean to be yourself? Who the fwup are we?

6. Choose to let people bring out the best in you. You have at least some control over every impression you make.

7. Live the Great Romance.

8. Be who you are and who God made you--- ie-- a spaz. (okay, maybe that's just me)

9. Live your life and serve God and people. Let others go first.

10. Seize the day, God commands it.

Apologies if these sound too hallmarkish--- however it's what I've got from God the last couple days. Hopefully I can live up to them...




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