星期四, 八月 18, 2005

Brief reflections while eating my mom's thai pasta

I'm trying to see God in the dreams we try to embark on. I've always wanted to travel as most of you know. It's been practically my dream to live out of a suitcase and do missions work, living by the skin of my teeth as God shows me all sorts of stuff and works through me to help a bunch of people.

It hit me however, that I could go tomorrow if I wanted to, especially if I wanted to work abroad (a given as I don't have any money). Don't worry, (Mom!) I'm not going tomorrow. The thing is, I could though. That is sobering and for me, It's difficult to find my way out of such a maze of good decisions.

So my conundruum is this, when does God put your 'future' on your heart? When does he tell you through things like prayer, fasting, etc, etc,?

maybe both?




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