星期一, 五月 09, 2005

back again....

I dunno, it seems like too much time has elapsed since my last redpool entry. It's been pretty much same ole same ole. I mean, I'm still longing for the Great Romance. I'm still longing to seek God still in a deeper revelation of that paradigm, even in those new and different ways that I feel I am being taught. It's just it feels like nothing new has been happening. I dunno. I guess that's a bad sign. Is a breather in order? I'd rather it be a breather in God then a breather in.... well.... nothing.

I guess I just want to hang out with God this summer. I want to get closer to Him. I want to know Him more in all my various adventures. I don't want my relationship with God to suffer because I don't have the crucible of school to spur me onwards. I have MORE time during the summer, my life should be, consequently, or MORE eternal value. How is it always the other way around? The less time I have, the more 'into' God I feel. Yet the more time I have, the more distracted I get. Maybe the trials of school develop something in me that cannot be replicated by my own will. Maybe the fact I am working more this summer will spur me on towards that focus, without making me forgo a well needed season of rest. That is something I think I will pray more in the future, and I will always ask for your prayers in the matter, dear reader.

I would also ask for more prayers in another area, dear ones. Friday night, some of the staff at visions set up a prophecy booth to encourage and minister to the students. Now it wasn't exactly the kind of prophecy one would expect (the kind that tells you where you live, like God is reading your mail or something), it was more encouragement, stuff God felt we needed for the journey. Personally, I got more out of it than 'mail-reading' prophecy, anyway.

Anyway, They told me (among other things that I will post as soon as I find the paper again) that now is the time to fufill my vision from God. They said it wouldn't look like the time, because a lot of stuff still needs to happen. The thing is, I have like 8,000 trips I want to take, books I want to write, and exploits I want to embark upon. I plan adventures every month. What I want to know, however, is which of these is my vision? I know it has something to do with overseas travel, other languages, culture and people. I just don't know what I have to do to live within this calling which is apparently quite imminent. I mean, I'm not worried about it, but at the same time, I don't want to drop the ball. Any ideas? I enjoy testing things like this in community because there are parts others see about me that I am totally blind to (and parts I see that others are blind to). It helps us cover each others back. Your prayers on this matter are always appreciated.

enrapt in the Great Romance.....



At 6:32 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

umm yeah so speaking of things you cant quite see...you ahem have a boogie on the left side..ope- ope other left...there you go, thats good. umm well ok. gotta go...mrt



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