星期一, 七月 25, 2005


God, help Carol Geer. A lot is riding on this...

I'm trying to understand good habits and what it means to live a life that uses everything God gave me. I have all these resources and money and stuff that I could use... and I totally abuse it. I mean, look at it this way. We live in the richest, most well-fed society on the planet. Yet I eat when I am not hungry and spend money on stuff I don't need. There are the poor and the oppresed in every corner of the world who die daily because they don't have the money or resources that we have-- and we squander it. That can't please God.

At the same time, I struggle with the fact that a large part of human interaction happens in entertainment setttings, (spending money on stuff I don't need, eating food for which I am not hungry, etc, etc,) People must be sought. They must be pursued and met where they are at. They are the only thing that matters.

So what do we do? Before someone tells me "stop spending money!" (Mom, I love you but I know that's what you are going to say), understand that there needs to be a practical solution in place of that. Instead of going to Coffee shops/ movies/resteraunts, (the only three things to do in Lansing), what can we do to learn the stories of the people around us and to meet them on their terms while still making good use of the resources we have. Something must be done. but what?



At 2:25 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Well...you could always go to the bar, but that costs money too...:)

Okay, I'm kidding. Go for a walk, go to church. Go to a worship session. Hang out at people's homes. Ride a bike. Play a game in a park.

Why is it that no one has to teach kids how to play? They just now how to go up to a kid and say "HI! Will you be my friend? Great! Let's play make-believe!" but by the time we grow up, we forget how to do that unless you belong to a writer's guild or something. We need a medium for friendship (to belong to the same something or another)

Ted and I are considering moving to Grand Haven when I'm done with school. It's a small town, and our kids could grow up going to the beach, parks, downtown strip, biking, or riding seadoos with us. There's an awesome church in the area, and it's the type of community where you don't have to call people up to do things with them, you just know where to find your friends.

I have the feeling that that's beginning to develop with my friends from grad school. We're being proactive about forming friendships. We like each other, but we're still apprehensive...like: I'm stuck with these people for three years. Do they really like me???

But relationships are important and quantity of time is just as important as quality.

Yow...I have no homework and haven't read your blogs in a month. I'm posting like crazy



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