星期六, 八月 13, 2005

The community of God and how cool it is......

I'm reading Zechariayah's prophecy he gave after the birth of his son (Luke 1:67-80). In it, he first talks about what God's doing and then he discusses the specific call Adonai had placed on His son (John the Baptist). What I think is cool is that, in this passage, God is seen working primarily on a coporate level. What does this mean for Israel, God's people as a whole. The individual isn't really talked about, mainly because God is doing something bigger than the individual, catching the people up in something bigger than themselves. (Don't get me wrong, I think individual and coporate pursuits of God are both huge and important, but that's a topic for another day).

I think that's why I picked up reading comic books, science fiction and fantasy as hobby, (I know it's pathetic, I am 19 after all). It's this resonant human need to be caught up in something bigger than yourself. Lewis said that love and unselfishness aren't necessarily not thinking of yourself, but forgeting your self exists. We are caught up in this great dance of which everybody is a part, and, in that dance, a large part of finding individual sucess and fufillment is by staring at God for so long and with so many others that you forget success and fufillment is the thing you are looking for. God sweeps His people up in this great dance of life, and that is what we are looking for!



At 6:31 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

but see grayleg the need is fulfilled when you wake up every morning like a warrior going before your king and drawing battle plans while falling more in love with god and then charge through the day with thoughts of the kingdom and getting your fellow human beings to it, and then resting at night reflecting on all the events of the day and praying that tomorrow might find you in a more exciting place and continually move you ever higher borne on the wings of a God who is far bigger than you and a God whom you know first hand. that my friend is when the adventure many oft dream of becomes reality. breathe it. its just that easy...love ya kid- mrt

At 3:26 下午, Blogger Daniel said...

What does that mean though? Convincing people? Persuading? Trying to assure mental assent? I may be arguing about semantics here, as ultimately, the both of us know exactly what you mean. The problem is, nobody else outside of the church of Jesus has any what in heaven we are sitting on here. We need to speek the same language as the rest of the world and, "drawing battle plans while falling more in love with god and then charge through the day with thoughts of the kingdom and getting your fellow human beings to it," isn't that language. It's much too "us against them" instead of "join us".

God's heart is that we, us and the rest of the world, join him in what He is doing. Don't get me wrong, I think that we must be unashamed of the truth and it must be spoken in love and respect. However, ultimately the Biblical idea of a disciple is not the loser in a debate or the 'victim' of good preaching--- it's someone who comes to Christ to learn how to live by watching.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I take issue with an "us against them" mindset. I'm certainly not accusing you of that either, Matthew. I'm accusing the church corporately, however. Our didactic-- method of teaching-- is pretty skewed. That however, is neither of our faults.


At 1:19 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

What? Fantasy pathetic??? Who you calling pathetic? I'M the one with the Lord of the Rings T-Shirt.

At 2:42 下午, Blogger Daniel said...

Point, I guess that means we are both pathetic.....

just kidding!!!

You know I love ya Linda, fun hangin out the other day too




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