星期三, 五月 04, 2005

by the way....

Pray for a friends of mine. He's having trouble with depression and I am concerned about him.....




At 10:38 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

ummm, yeah good luck on finding the great romance thing at language camp. i mean you are cool and all but there will be females there who are not as cool with you and are umm...probly ugly. but hey you never know and i am being a bad funny friend...oh well. i laughed...mrt

At 10:40 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

me and josh and dan all agree that there will be many metal mouthed women attracted to your g-force.
and the rest will probly have a stronger gravitational force than you anyways...lol...oh tear...mrt



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