星期二, 三月 01, 2005

remember me

a poem....

we long to be remembered in this sweet sidreal fire
to banquet among the holy and find us in thy care
to pursue the greatest lover in times restrictive space
to gaze into his eyes, held in firey 'brace

the sweetness of his eyes most fierce
the lovelieness of his speech most fair
the incomprehensiblity of his immutable eyes
like this, not this, but these, I must compare

but cannot fully fathom thee, viceroy of my eternity
Donne plaintative cry from time unseen
"I shall not be chaste unless you ravish me!!!!!!"

Remember me again oh viceroy of my heart and wooer of my soul


At 2:49 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Ar these poems yours?

At 2:59 下午, Blogger Daniel said...

yes, but the last paragraph is ripped off a little from John Donne, (maybe tribute is a better word) he's the original (victorian England) emo kid. He wrote about God and girls before it was cool.



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