星期日, 二月 20, 2005

I hate the fajita factory....

I think God is going to do something really crazy the next couple of weeks in my circle of friends. People are confessing all sorts of stuff, walls are coming down, and people are generally becoming discontent with surface level intimacy. We are growing closer. Don't mistake me, it hurts like the dickens--- do you know what it's like to be the only one who sees things as terribly wrong? I have a friend in that situation right now--- it's driving her up the wall. This divine discontent is what drives the kingdom of God. It drives us to expand, higher, deeper and faster because we need God and all creation is screaming for Him to come!!!!!! C.S. Lewis wrote a poem about this,

The Master says to our master, Come up. Share my rest and splendour till all natures that were your enemies become slaves to dance before you and backs for you to ride, and firmness for your feet to rest on.
"From beyond all place and time, out of the very Place, authority will be given you: the strengths that once opposed your will shall be obedient fire in your blood and heavenly thunder in your voice.
"Overcome us that, so overcome, we may be ourselves: we desire the beinning of our reign as we desire dawn and dew, wetness at the birth of light.
"Master, your Master has appointed you for ever: to be our King of Justice and our high Priest." --- the Great Divorce

Creation is calling, right up to our very natures, that God make "the strengths that once opposed your will shall be obedient fire in your blood and heavenly thunder in your voice." That is the message of God's revolution, that those which oppose God will be subjugated to his service and made how they were originally intended to be--- right down to our very natures.


PS... the fajita factory is really a great restaurant. I just had some unnamed issues and that's why I'm up so early....



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