星期五, 二月 25, 2005

the honour of my people

Before I start this blog, I need to take this moment to shout out Kay Gillete. She said she needed to see her name in here before she read it. Here it is! :-)

Anyway, I was online last night doing some research when I stumbled across a website devoted to how C.S. Lewis is the worst thing to ever happen to Christianity, a tool of satan, and a kicker of small children and puppies.

Anybody who knows me knows I quote Lewis in one form or another every three seconds. He was one of the Greatest Bards, the champ. If I become half the writer Lewis was, I'll die happy. So naturally you can assume upon reading someone's electronic vomit, I was just in shock. I couldn't see or understand what could cause somebody, a Christian, to hate somebody who did so much good for the Christian church.

I was going to write them letter, but really what good would it have done? These people are not going to change. I mean Jesus said we would have trouble, he never said it was going to come from inflamatory Christians. The words "further up into satan" actually appeared on the website. The demagog said that all the people who got saved from Lewis' writings were really going to hell anyway. I wanted to cry. God if these firebrands are the best you got, then we've got problems.

But God's luckily doesn't think they are the best he's got. He says we are. Those men and women of the revolution who live in the uncomfortable holiness of looking for God (not necessarily finding him) everywhere. I hope one day I am worthy enough to be numbered among their ranks. I pray the same for the firebrands as well.



At 3:03 下午, Blogger Michael said...

There's currently a thread on this very topic on Ship of Fools, in Purgatory.

Here it is:


GLEs, why CSL?



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