星期六, 二月 26, 2005

meditations the night after a Madison Greene concert

It goes without saying that they were good. If you've never checked out the wonders that are MG then by all means do so. I have several mp3's you can listen to.

It was tribal. It felt like we danced and sung and jumped to the songs of a people even when we weren't listening to the tribal chants they adapted from Guinea (those were INCREDIBLE!!!!). Maybe it was an experience with the tribe of underground folk dancers that I think might change something. I'm not just talking about MG but the people in the audience too. The underground is where God is going to move I think. It's the people with dirty dreadlocks, and tatoos, weird colour hair and thrift store clothing that will change the world. I closed my eyes several times during the night and imagined (or maybe saw is a better word) myself dancing around a fire with bedouin, or maybe some Dinka tribe in the middle of the desert somewhere.

In retrospect, the band's lifestyle was also pretty provocative. They were almost bohemians for God-- traveling around and doing exploits for the Holy. Once the leadsinger even said that the band they were touring with tought them tons about personal hygeine. I know it sounds weird but I felt envious that they didn't care what they smelled like or where the next food would come from. I mean now it's all provided for me and I still worry about what I'll do when I get out of school. That should be enough. They traveled around and they only thing that mattered was touching their God through their music. The food, the money, the lodgings, even the places to shower would work themselves out. Their lives ached for their God through their music and that was all that mattered. They did exploits!

I should like to do the same, all over the world. Lord God let it be so!


"It's not about the money that we make, It's about the passions that we ache for. What makes your heart beat faster? Tell me now, what does your body long after?" -anberlin


At 3:48 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

hey hey, well if that isnt the kind of life i would desire too. i think sometimes that i wanting to be an evangalist think too literal as far as american society goes. i think sometimes i too would love to back pack across the world and along the way share the love of jesus christ to my fellow brothers and sisters. it is very provocative. like you and your lover (jesus) taking a honey moon trip around the world. a pilgrimage, but with no specific destination or point the only real reason is so you can scream out to the entire world look at this great love i have found. you should come see what a great love i have found, and that my friend is the type of evangalization that i ultimately think this world needs. mad props to ya- m.r.t.

At 3:54 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Anonymous said...
hey hey, well if that isnt the kind of life i would desire too. i think sometimes that i wanting to be an evangalist think too literal as far as american society goes, meaning that i think evangalism is traveling in a nice comfy bus being supported with lots of money and staying in nice hotels and preaching to the lost in a expensive church service. i think sometimes i too would love to back pack across the world and along the way share the love of jesus christ to my fellow brothers and sisters, using my gift of drama in the most improvisational manner possible. it is very provocative. like you and your lover (jesus) taking a honey moon trip around the world. a pilgrimage, but with no specific destination or point the only real reason is so you can scream out to the entire world 'look at this great love i have found. you should come see what a great love i have found!', and that my friend is the type of evangalization that i ultimately think this world needs. mad props to ya- m.r.t.

At 6:02 下午, Blogger Daniel said...

Absolutely, those dudes in lear jets and plush hotels, the evangelists that really don't do anything except give Christians a bad name and turn off non-Christians to the truth are not the true shepherds, they are hired hands. You can't claim to serve the poor carpenter from Nazereth while saying holy ministry is comfortable ministry. Is a servant greater than his master?




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