星期日, 三月 06, 2005


I just finished Ted Dekker's Obsessed. Great book, but that is to be expected. The man is quickly becoming one of my top 5 favourite writers. In no particular order (A mother could sooner choose favourites among her children than I could choose the brightest among these great luminaries), they are Lewis, Tolkien, Dekker, Ingermason (or maybe Walter Wangrin...) and Peretti.

Enough of my boyhood worship. Obsessed was about destiny and purpose and seizing the one for whom you were made. The lead character is driven towards what he knows not. He finds out at the end of the book that the fire behind his passion is his beloved, not the object he originally sought ( I don't want to give away too much!)

But yeah, that reminds me a lot of what Linda told me the other day. I was lamenting about how girls confuse me, (refer to earlier posts). She told me, ever so kindly, that girls don't like guys who won't pursue them. That romance is about pursuit and intimacy and the fact that a guy is willing to put his heart on that line, that is what girls like.

The thing is I don't know if I have time. Too many questions and I want to know for sure this is what I want before I go getting obsessed!



At 11:53 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

yeah so you never posted your processing dude. look i was talkin to a friend of mine in ministry and i asked her about the situation. see ive done that before the kind of rebuking. and i couldnt quite put into words how to say that. but anyways she agreed that she has had to do that before with someone. its like at the time the holy spirit will get frustrated and need to snap them out of their pit of melancholy. so i mean bro i knew what i was doin wasnt necessarily wrong. i felt that he needed to hear that. it wasnt just me gettin all upset at him. so just wanted to clear it up. call me on that. anyways as far as girls lindas righto. they like the chase. but yeah nobody wants a obsessed literalist screamin i love you at them in five or six different languages (although that does make for a interesting mental picture- at least in my head hahahahaha) so anyways talks lata- mrt

At 6:22 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

nice read, La Solipsista had some pretty good insight into your girl "situation". I agree enjoy all your other hobbies while your heart is letting you, cause when that girl or woman enters the scene, your mind will go numb! and all that time you have to read will be no more.


At 9:38 下午, Blogger Daniel said...

Apologies on the slow response. I'm on break and being lazy... so sue me.

Yeah. You guys are right (and a hearty welcome to La Solipista and Rico by the way). I am obsessed with God and life and love and words, could I give that up? I really don't think I could. This is an adventure and I am living it! This is the day everyone talks about seizing. I am living a life truly unique and if I go looking at least while I am in college, than that life of adventure will take a hit, I couldn't deal with a dimunition of that adventure, however small. The adventure it is then.



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