星期五, 三月 04, 2005

emo post #2

So apparently the trick to getting people to post on a website is to write about girls..... hmmmmm... Anyway thanks for the outpouring of advice, encouragement and general empathy I received for my last post. My friends rock!

I can't post for long cause my bathroom is having issues... long story. But I was at crusade last night and praying about girl stuff. I think God impressed on my heart the nature of the question. Not so much "should I date?" but "what do I want to be? Adventurer or Romantic?" I know it sounds a little kooky but allow me but mere moments to explain.

Adventurer: I would do exploits for God. I would travel, speak, live, preach, scream the life of my God and wherever I went something amazing and unexpected would happen. I would still romance God and be romanced by him. By human relationships would be an attempt to get to know the "wildness of God" (Bible study shout out!!!!) that resides in every person. I wouldn't focus on one person but adventure with the community God put me with: Visions, Greenhouse and Crusade.

Romantic: The relationship between God and his church is a reflection of the relationship between a man and a woman. Though I am way too young to get married (the context the Bible sets for this modeling of God in a male-female relationship), I would like to get in a dating relationship to at least attempt to understand this analogy God put on human hearts. Here I would do a lot of the things mentioned as adventure but God and the Great Romance would be my chief adventure: a great task indeed. An advantage here is I would be able to understand and use feelings of attraction in a God-honouring way.

The surest way to know the answer is to discover the question. To be honest, I'm leaning more towards adventure but I promised God I would pray about it over break. Thoughts are appreciated!




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