星期六, 八月 27, 2005

I just want to seek God

Do you ever get tired of putting up a front for people? I go through times where I don't want to be around people, cause my "being around people face" feels different and harder than the face I wear when I am alone. I've always thought that God was in some ways a lot easier to deal with than people, just because He understands you completely. Humans, to some degree or another, are incapable of understanding completely why another human does what they do.

The question of human existance is, "who are we?" Is it no wonder that God, when he talked to Moses through the burning bush, called Himself, I AM. He defined Himself by His identity and that was enough. I guess what I want to know, at the deepest most spritual level is who am I?

Who am I?



At 11:49 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

good question bro. and i def agree on the whole sometimes wanting to be alone thing. i got lots of stuff to just breathe in and out of day to day and i dont always want to hang with friends unless i have been able to breathe and i dont always get to do that unless im alone for awhile. that and i dont have a car and am broke alot lol...but seriously enough i do like being alone alot recently...long sigh...mrt

At 11:58 上午, Blogger Daniel said...

Is that wrong though? I feel like I owe people my time beyond the limits of my ability to give it. Probably just my Italian need for people to like me.




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