星期一, 四月 25, 2005

the God of all comfort

I would encourage you, if you just want to get stuff off your chest, God is good with that. He is secure and can take a harsh word every once in a while. Our God lets us be honest with Him, even if we are mad or angry or confused. He just comforts us, tells us it will be okay and in some weird way, we get the strength to keep moving in Him. Catharsis is a Holy Tradition, wraught in the blood of God. He is good. That is all I have to say.



At 6:09 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Okay, so how phenomenal is it that we can have the ability to go to God and vent whatever we feel? I mean really, how is it that we, as the condemned people that we are, go before the one who created us and just yell at Him? To me, this is huge. We can cry, and yell, or whatever before the Lord and just have Him there to say that everything will be okay and that He will give us the strength to get through it. It just makes me feel.....secure. Thanks.

At 7:15 下午, Blogger Daniel said...

Absolutely, I mean whining to God is practically a sacrament!!! David did it, Moses did it, Jerimiah did it (read lamentations some time!) Maybe God is a little less willing to keep us from harm because in pain or anger or frustration, we finally come to him. CS Lewis said, "Pain is God's megaphone" He doesn't care that we want to bite his head off, we are HERE!!! That's all that matters to our great big God-- that we are here with all our angry mad, glorious, weird, mix of God-and-grime selves. That is what God wants, us and he is pretty ruthless (in a nice Godlike way) about doin so.

Great to have you on the redpool, btw. Where did yours go?




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