星期六, 四月 30, 2005

The great romance

I believe in the Great Romance. I believe that it is the best metaphor I have for scripture. I believe that since the days of tragedy of Eden, God has been pursuing his beloved. We are the bride. We are the lovely princess of Zion who once danced before his throne. Now we have been shamed by the evil villain, the false lover who shames the bride of Almighty Christ, the dying/living God. He will avenge the honor of His bride upon his enemy. He will restore her and lift her again to far beyond her former glory. He will woo her in kind words and sweet stories. He will breath poetry and sweet songs in her lovely ear, if only that she would return and know her true love. To Him, she is beautiful. She is lovely and glorious and good. Her shame matters not to her lover. She was made for Him, how can He not restore her? What else can he do but lift her up, love her with the glory of His name and the sweetness of His songs.

We sing his songs of glory and romance, of adventure and danger one to each other. Especially in the love of a man for a woman does His sweet passion burn. We borrow from HE, Almighty God the ultimate lover and sweet High King. His name is forever good.

Then why am I so confused? Why does this Great Romance, this modeling of the love of God, burn within who I am? Why does it feel so much bigger than me, like I must give this poetry to someone or I will explode? Do I need a girlfriend for it? Why can't I talk to girls then? Why can't I express or convey this? Why does every time I try to be Christ to anybody, much less a girl, do I feel like I have nothing to say?

Maybe its cause I'm trying to be Christ instead of letting Christ be himself in me.... Only then, when Christ is Himself above all else, will I be able to truly be myself.

Now some people are going to see this as an emo post. Some will say, "Daniel has girl issues and so he's letting out his frustration on the blog. It's really the work of a lonely college student. I will offer him some solace in his loneliness, something like 'God has the right one out there for you be patient and give it to God'." I dunno, maybe they will be right. At which case I thank you for your advice as I try my best to apply it. I certainly shan't scorn good advice.

However, that's not the point of why I am writing. If all you do is give good advice here (however much I gladly welcome it), this hasn't affected you. I'm telling you all....

Want this Great Romance!!!!!!!!!!! Can I make it any more clear? I feel like I am being too angry when I say this, but I feel very passionately about it. In fact, I would rather have the passion of God burn within me than not feel. I would rather yearn for such fire from heaven than lose my heart. I would rather want this Great Romance and be totally confused about girls and life and people then live a sleeping life.

Don't even mistake me. I am not even saying that you guys don't yearn for this, that my heart is the only one that burns and that I look down on you all from my poetic high horse. I am the least of you, noble readers. If I have learned anything about the burning heart of God, it is probably been directly because of your noble intervention. You all are my friends because God, through you, has taught my heart how to burn. How can I ever think anything different?

However, this burning in our heart, for God to teach us the ways of life and love, is Almighty God, calling us to Himself. Despite the fact that I have no idea how to model the passion of God, that I cannot talk to girls, and my mouth clams up when my heart would scream sonnets, I cannot help but think that God calls us to Himself as the first and best object of our love. That God is the object and nothing else will satisfy our burning. He should be our first love in this drama of salvation. He is the Holy One and all other hearts are by pale shadows of His glorious grandeur. They, the things around us, are good lovers, but He, the God of love, is better. We shan't forget such glory, for then, we should forget our true selves.

In the Great and Holy Romance, wrought in the blood of God,



At 2:32 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

you didnt want to hear it but ohs well. i think that god is trying desperately hard to still mold and create the female that will match you. so that when you scream sonnets with your heart hers will in turn create something just as beautiful and scream it back. instead of running for the hills because her feeble mind cant understand all that you have in your heart, all that is you. mrt

At 11:54 上午, Blogger Daniel said...

I guess the point was the burning. It is so important that we yearn truly whether it's fufilled or not. In spite of that, lonliness still hoovers in the uttermost.

But maybe when life sucks, God is more adaquately revealed in us. That heart burning is the point, not so much that I find her. I mean I know she's out there SOMEWHERE. It's just that in the depths of the heart-burning of the Great Romance, we truly need God. That is why he allows such consuming fire.

At 5:56 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

thats cool and all but i still mean what i said...about the girl and you. it must be hard for god to make a girl to match you...ohs well lol...mrt

At 5:15 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

We are the lovely princess of Zion who once danced before his throne.

I like the wording...



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