星期三, 二月 16, 2005

more on Ephesus

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies. To him who overcomes I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of my God. - Jesus

Jesus promises the original state of bliss to the Ephesian church. He tell them that all he intended before everything got messed up, everything that was in the mind of the most good God, all that endless bounty in the amplitude of God, is what's in store when they overcome their defiecency in love. Jesus promises them how it was meant to be. However, in order to see that, we all each have our own hurdle which God sets before us. For the Ephesians, it was love. For you, it might be pride, selfishness or whatever. God sets life as he originally intended before you. Are all the things that stand in your way able to restrain you? Or is there this consuming ache in the depths of your belly that you must pursue life and nothing will stand in your way--- nothing.

This is the message of Revelation. The fight for God's original plan. It has been messed up- it will be rescued. That is the essence of redemption- the rescued plan of God.

I'll leave you with a meditation to keep you thinking.... somebody post!

What should I write Oh Lord?

Who are you to drape tents of mere words around the depths of my love? Can one even do such a thing? Is it even possible?

To what should I dance, Oh Lord?

What dance could even begin to plumb the depths of my ecstasy for you, the ecstasy in which I drown every time I gaze upon your heart, at the mere mention of your name, at your very scent which rises to my throne as a dulcet offering? What dance could you do, my intoxicating beloved?

Where should I go, my God?

Where else is there love, my glory and my bride? where else is love but in my arms? Where else is there one with a longing such as mine? I need nothing beloved, but can't you see? Can't you understand that I need you?

What else is love, my God?

Have you ever been to a wedding my glory and my heart? Have you ever banqueted at a love feast of Biblical proportions, one that went on for days and days? And at that love feast have you ever danced with the one for whom your very soul yearns, she for whom you would give all you are at the most basic fundamental level to eternal perdition, just so she wouldn't have to hurt anymore? Have you ever danced with her, my delightful lady? Have you ever danced with her such wild and passionate dances? And have you ever gazed into her eyes, oceans of fire aflame with the verdant colour you yourself put there, a fire from which You, almighty God, cannot and would not escape? What else is love, but this, my glory and my heart? What else is love but this day which I eagerly eagerly anticipate?
Why did you have to die, dear God?

Can sin do anything else to its victims save murder them senselessly? Isn’t it obvious I rather it kill me with brutal torture than so much as breathe its murderous designs upon your holy face, your face so sacred and lovely? Isn’t magnificent, isn’t it glorious that even death could not separate me from my delightful bride, she so intoxicating and captivating? What else could this be but our love?

Who are you, Oh great King?

Who has been wooing you from the first day air was blessed to touch your lips? Who was He that first courted you, darting in and out of grand stories, picturesque landscapes, good friends and great banquets? Who was He that delighted to chase you, to woo you, to court you through the maze of broken glass in which I found you? What else could your pain have done but cut me to ribbons because you shed a tear? Who else could I be but your fiancée? Who am I but he who would surrender his body to be broken because an eternity of omnipotence without you is as the fires of eternal torment to Almighty God? What else could I do? Who else could I be?




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