星期二, 二月 15, 2005

Revelation part 2: Ephesus.love God

I hate it when words lose their meaning. Right now, before you continue reading this, write down how you would tell an outsider to the human race what love is. It's a lot harder than it sounds isn't it?

I want to love God. I want to know Him. I want to understand Him. What does He mean, what does He do? How do I love the Almighty God? In the spirit of Valentine's day, how do I love? What does it even mean?

It's not through just doing stuff. Ephesus did stuff. They did all the right things and Christ commends them for it. Then he brings them back to love. He tells them to do everything they were doing before they lost their love. He admonishes them to go back to the first works.

When they were first starting out, they were unwise. They had nothing to commend themselves to the Almighty. The were a group of rotten, dirty, stinking pagans. Then Christ comes, changes them all and they spend weeks, months, maybe years wooed by his sweet embrace and the sound of his beloved breath.

This is what God tells them to return to; who they used to be before they started being religious and stopped being in love. Christ wants Ephesus' love, not just their works. All the stuff they did was good, but it means nothing if they aren't in love with God.

Got to flesh this out more, look later I might end up revising this post....




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