星期日, 四月 24, 2005

not being afraid

I'm afraid this might be a reiteration of the last post. Ah well, I'm bored, sick of working on my paper that is due in a week, so I thought I would re-share this epiphany.

The only thing that holds any body back from living how they truly are is fear. Mainly fear of being hurt, as if the offering of your heart was to be scorned if one were to truly know you. But that is a lie to God and his kingdom, it is wrong and false and from the pit of hell. God longs that you just not care. He loves you. He validates you. You have NOTHING you have to prove or perform for ANYBODY. Almighty God, not a girl or a boy or a friend or a position or ANYTHING ELSE, can tell you are.

And if we don't care of their vain opinions, we can do anything. We can flirt and dance and sing and worship and cry out at the feet of our Holy God, the Muse, our Poet-King. We don't have to conform to ANYBODY ELSE'S expectations save God alone. When we realize that, the glories of His great Romance with Him (and yes, with the opposite sex) are spread out as a banquet in the most Holy Country of Aslan, Yeshua, the Dying and Rising Poet-King of all.

In His approval, nothing can stop us at all.



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