星期二, 四月 19, 2005

seeking peace

Sorry I haven't been posting a whole lot, either new or in response to you guys. It's difficult with school getting out. I had a nice talk with my mom and Rachel the last couple days about how I just need to take it one step at a time and I need to stop worrying. I need to be fully present. It is important that I live in this moment, that is all I have control over.



At 5:08 上午, Blogger Michael said...


At 5:10 上午, Blogger Michael said...

This is very true, and sometimes we find ourselves in the position where one day at a time is all that we can take.

I seem to remember a very wise man once mentioning the possible futility of "laying up treasures" at the expense of focusing on the here and now. :-)

I too, am perhaps rather guilty of this at the moment. I don't know if you have visited my blog lately, but if you have, you will know that my possible conversion is drawing nigh and I have set the ball in motion, if you will.

It is very difficult, because of the entire culture that I shall be leaving behind, but I shall perhaps take a leaf out of your book and take each day as it comes.

In Christ,




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