星期一, 三月 14, 2005

the grand holy story

I was a little disappointed in the state of my spring vacation. The first half I hung out with people and that was cool, but the second half I was frantically trying to get this report done and it just wouldn't finish. I wanted to read stories, I wanted to relax and have some time with my holy lover (Jesus). I wanted the romance and adventure of this faith that is in the most real sense, magical. I had a week off, can you think of a better way to spend it than that?

Instead I had to write about A Brief History of Time for four days. It sucked. What do you guys think? I mean how do you find that balance between your relationship with God and the needs of daily life. God calls us to be in the world (and not of it) so monasticism (for all it's attractions) is not the answer. Maybe all our lives, even the books reports must be consumed by him? I'm not sure, I oscillate on this question quite a bit in fact. How much actual concentrated God time should we give the guy?

in Holy mystery (more on that tomorrow if I remember)



At 7:09 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Welcome to the real world. Don't you think God is aware of those distractions?

Life is hills and valleys. Sometimes you will be on the hills and other times it's in the valley. The secret not to stray from what you know is right!!

At 7:17 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Wake up and smell the coffee!!

At 12:38 上午, Blogger Daniel said...

yeah you are right, I think I'm just leavin' the valley these days and it's hard to keep perspective when all you see is the hole your heart drowns in. God is greater than that and wants our perseverance. This is something I am still in process in, most def

who said this btw? D



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