星期六, 三月 26, 2005

God-heady nights and good conversation like fine wine

I came back from this incredible time at visions. It was splendid. Oh man, I'm still just drunk on the hugeness and largesse of my great big conquering God. He breaks to heal, he hurts so He can mend. His Love endures forever. It lasts, nothing can stop it, not death, not sin, not even I, the lover he chased through broken glass. I am free, I am good, I am confident in Him. Nothing can restrain the Lord of Hosts. His armies conquer all the barren places in my soul.
HE IS GO(o)D!!!!!

He told me to keep my stance. I learned in Kendo that stance is everything. You must keep your stance solid or the enemy will knock your head off. He said shame and rejection have no place in the warrior's life. That I am to hold my sword rightly with pride and honour. That I will break down obstacles with the strength of God. I will walk into to victory circle, "shout hail the victorous dead!!!" in honour of those who went before and sit down in the victory circle of those great worthies. Hail All-mighty God!!! Hail the Risen Christ!!! Hail the All-Seeing Spirit!!!!



ps, that was part LOTR, part the actual message I heard from God last night at visions. I had an actual word of prophecy given to me by two really good friends. God It was so on and right and God that I am going to try and figure out what in the blazes it meant on the redpool. I realize it sounds a little too pentecostal, and to that I respond with a mixture of apologies and appreciation. I hope you enjoy it!!!


At 9:36 上午, Blogger Michael said...

Christos anesti!

A happy Easter to you, Daniel. You are right about remaining firm in your stance. As someone once said to me, 'If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything'.

High Mass for Easter Day was wonderful today. Most everything that could be sung was sung, where we would usually say it. The incense was a gorgeous blend of frankincense and Purbeck Rose. The Paschal candle got a good censing, and we sang 'Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour' at the Offertory. This hymn is wonderful! Such a combination of imagery from the exodus from Egypt, hints of resurrection throught, sound Eucharistic theology and a generous splattering of Alleluias. (A stonking good tune as well).

I with everyone a Blessed Pascha!

At 4:56 下午, Blogger Daniel said...

Christos anesti ontos!!!

(if my Greek serves me, Christ is risen indeed!!!)

Stonking, huh? nice...

At 6:32 下午, Blogger Michael said...

Stonking, you know, triumphal, rousing.

Is this not used on your side of the pond?



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