星期四, 三月 17, 2005

fight club and meditation

Couple things cause I don't know when I will have time to post next...

1. Michael-- Thanks for the stuff on the church and tradition. I'm still processing it, but expect a response on here in the next couple days.

2. Bible Study-- Meditation is 2 (?) peter and/or the first three chap's of genesis. Be thinking about a big book you might want to go so if I forget we still have something to talk about.

3. fight club--- I saw it last night and I have to say--- it doesn't get much weirder than that. But the philosophy was cool. It's kind of intriguing the idea that we are enslaved to our stuff. The way fight club made it sound was that the only way out was pain though. I don't necessarily agree with that. Maybe pain with a purpose is a good way to put it. Jesus found the fufillment of his life in the cross, but that was because he had the world to save. I guess the message of fight club was that gratuity was the way of freedom.... maybe I'm not sure. I need to think about it more.

It kind of is difficult to write when you don't have enough processing time!

Palm sunday in three days--- we remember you Lord JESUS!!!!



At 2:12 下午, Blogger Michael said...

No problem, Daniel. I look forward to hearing from you.

I love Holy Week. The job that I was supposed to be starting next Monday has been dereffer a week, which is rather disappointing, but it means that I get to go to all of the liturgies during Holy Week. Palm Sunday is always good fun, and so very moving at the same time. On the continent, that tradition is to carry the Cross in an outdoor procession, symbolising Christ's procession into Jerusalem.

However, the English tradition is to do the same thing with the Blessed Sacrament, so the Body of Christ is actually being processed into church. It's wonderful to behold and to be a part of.

I love the stark contrast and between the beginning and end of the Maundy Thursday liturgy, which leads perfectly into Good Friday. We strip the church of all decoration: all flowers, tablecloths, wall hangings are removed, the priest wears black vestments as though for a funeral and all statues that are too large to be removed are veiled, and the stark emptiness is really moving. We venerate the Cross for a while and we hear the reading of the Passion. At the words "and he bowed his head and breathed his last", all fall to their knees and there is a time of silence.

It's so austere compared to the elbaborate services that we have for the rest of the year and I'm so glad to be able to take part in it all.

It's been a rather negative day for me so far, so thank you, dfaniel, for mentioning Palm Sunday. It has reminded me of the great Mystery that we are about to celebrate. I close with a verse and refrain from that wonderful traditional Palm Sunday hymn, Gloria, laus et honor:

They, by their birth, were Hebrews,
but by thy saving grace,
we, in thy death adopted,
become God's chosen race.

All glory, laud and honour
to thee, Redeemer, King!
To whom the lips of children
made sweet hosannas ring!

At 2:13 下午, Blogger Michael said...

In the last comment, for 'dereffer, please read 'deferred'. I don't know what took my fingers over. lol.



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