星期三, 三月 16, 2005

Memoriam to St. Patrick Pt. 2

St. Patrick was instrumental in staging missions that effectively saved civilization through the dark ages. It was commonly held in that day that the pagans were in an irredeemable state and that any attempts to reach them were ultimately fruitless. In spite of this bigotry, Patrick went and that was enough. His ministry not only reached the whole of Ireland but also became the inspiration for monastaries that latter sent missionaries as far north as Scandanavia. These missionaries were latter responsible for reaching the communities of Viking raiders that lived in the north, and thus ending years of strife and bloodshed.

Finally, Patrick was a master of cultural adaption. He pioneered the tactic of adapting the unchanging gospel to the winds of shifting culture. He conceived the Celtic cross by placing the sun venerated in Irish paganism in the middle of the crucifix. Doing so, sent a powerful message to the Irish that God was Lord even of the Irish sun. He also used fire (another pagan rite) in easter celebrations, even when the King of that time forbade it. His civil disobedience sent a message to the King of that time, eventually securing land for his own monastary.

For further information, check out Patrick by Stephen Lawhead. It's a great story and a decently historical take on this great warrior for God.

Happy Feast of St. Patrick!


At 7:14 下午, Blogger Michael said...

S. Patrick, pray for us!

Thank you for posting this. I thought this little gem might be apt:

Hail, glorious Saint Patrick! Dear saint of our Isle,
on us thy poor children bestow a sweet smile;
and now thou art high in the mansions above,
on Erin's green valleys look down in thy love.

Hail, glorious Saint Patrick! thy words were once strong
against Satan's wiles and an infidel throng;
not less is thy might where in heaven thou art;
O, come to our aid, in our battle take part.

In the war against sin, in the fight for the Faith,
dear saint, may thy children resist unto death;
may their strength be in meekness, in penance, their prayer,
their banner the Cross which they glory to bear.

Thy people, now exiles on many a shore,
shall love and revere thee till time be no more;
and the fire thou hast kindled shall ever burn bright,
its warmth undiminished, undying its light.

Ever bless and defend the sweet land of our birth,
where the shamrock still blooms as when thou wert on earth,
and our hearts shall yet burn, wherever we roam,
for God and Saint Patrick, and our native home.

Do you have the tradition over there that we do over here, of putting green dye in the beer at pubs?

I never touch anything brewed, I must say, as I'm more of a spirit person, but I find it a rather nice idea.

At 3:35 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

sheesh and everyone says i write a ton kid. man alive. i havent even read it all. but its good stuff so i guess you clear yourself that ways...lol...mrt

At 3:36 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

sheesh and everyone says i write a ton kid. man alive. i havent even read it all. but its good stuff so i guess you clear yourself that ways...lol...mrt

At 3:36 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

sheesh and everyone says i write a ton kid. man alive. i havent even read it all. but its good stuff so i guess you clear yourself that ways...lol...mrt

At 3:36 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

sheesh and everyone says i write a ton kid. man alive. i havent even read it all. but its good stuff so i guess you clear yourself that ways...lol...mrt

At 3:36 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

sheesh and everyone says i write a ton kid. man alive. i havent even read it all. but its good stuff so i guess you clear yourself that ways...lol...mrt

At 12:34 上午, Blogger Daniel said...


At 1:59 下午, Blogger Michael said...

Does nobody know whether you have the tradition of green beer over there then?



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