星期五, 三月 25, 2005

attempts at understanding God's romance

a small poem...

God the Romantic with the starfire eyes, enrapt with the ardour of thy beauty most fair, screams in the chorus of creation's sweet song, "rejoice for a princess of Zion is here! To stare at us sweetly with the starfire eyes." So even the angels of zion revive to look on her sweetly and stare in her skies, eyes to us mortals, she, the whole breadth of the seas and the skies. All praise to the princess with the starfire eyes!!!! Blessed am I, says God, to woo her to my side!

more later I think....



At 11:15 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

I'm stealing the phrase "The girl with the starfire eyes" to describe Venopeda, the maiden loved by El, the king, in my book. El spent 1,000 years painting the inside of the wall that surrounded the City of Lights with a masterpiece to win the heart of Venopeda. She spend 1,000 years looking at it before she accepted his proposal. The night before she was to be wed, Ravisad the Dragon, Lord of the Jinn came to her room, disguised by his magic as Cupid, the gorgeous God of Love. He tempted her to experience just one little innocent kiss before she was married. He was pleasing to her eyes, and she kissed him. Unfortunately, when El discovered that his bride had cheated on him with Ravisad, he flew into a rage and attacked the dragon who took his true form. In the duel that ensued, Ravisad took his true form and burned the city. He kidnapped the bride and took her to the kingdom of the jinn, far away, and held her as his slave. The soot from the fire covered most parts of the painting. The story unfolds with El searching through the burnt ruins for the portkey to the land of the jinn, so he could make a heroic rescue and bring back Venopeda. Meanwhile, the starfire light vanished from her eyes, as she is wooed by the dragon, though her heart remembers her true love.

Anyways...I know that was jarbled, and I'll discuss ideas for the novel with you after school gets out and I have time to right it, but for now, know that I'm stealing your ideas.

At 7:36 下午, Blogger Daniel said...

Oh man, I'm very excited. I can't wait to play around with this, I have a lot of ideas for the battles, weapons, and such. They could train their warriors having them fight in rhythm to these giant Madison-Greenesque drums (I'm imagining dreadlocks, lots of dreadlocks and a beautiful and fierce female warleader in charge of the whole affair). The swords could be silver mercury-like extensions of their appendages and they could fight in almost a bullet time zero gravity atmosphere brought on by their closeness to El (or by their perversion of the gift of the great King).

It's your story. Let me know what you think when you get a chance. We will get together this summer.




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