星期三, 三月 16, 2005

Memoriam to St. Patrick

Since it's the feast of St. Patrick thursday, I thought I would do a spiel on the guy. If you want to read what he wrote click here

Patrick was not born to a very religious family. Historians believe that his father was a deacon solely because it provided him tax incentives. He grew up a spoiled British youth, drunk on wine, women and song. By his own admission, he spent the better part of his youth in things that didn't matter, trying to be someone he was not. When he was 16, Irish raiders came and took him captive. He was taken from his home, his family and everything he loved into the Irish wilderness to herd sheep. It was there he learned about the faith, in the silence of the Irish hills. He eventually heard God telling him to escape, which he did 6 years after his capture. Upon leaving, he has another vision in which an angel with a scroll bearing the title "the voice of the Irish" begged him to come back to the land of his captivity in an attempt to preach the gospel to them. He does this by being ordained (a process that took 15 years in those days) and is incredibly sucessful.

More coming tomorrow on his mission work.




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