more about the freedom of Christ
I can't help but think that just when I know God I don't. The Lord is wiley. He is sneaky. He doesn't conform to our so-so notions of what true righteousness is. Honestly, I hesitate to use the word because of the preconceptions that come along with religious verbage. Saints and sinners alike use the word, but nobody takes the time to explain their meaning, much less the meaning of the Holy One, Blessed be He. How does God define righteousness and does God's meaning ( of anything really) correspond with the meanings we tend to give such an exalted turn of phrase?
And He said to him, "'YOU SHALL LOVE ADONAI YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.' "This is the great and foremost commandment. "The second is like it: 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' "On these two commandments depend the whole Torah and the Prophets."
(Mat 22:37-40)
If we can agree that God thinks righteousness has something to do with 1. being good and 2. doing what He says (My gut says to go with these, and I have no argument for these other than my own fundamental definitions). Then, most of righteousness is wrapped up in this-- love. Later, in 1st John, love is explained and defined and elucidated. I think I might try and start there in my search for what words mean. Love is primal to the Christian Religion. Life and Time and History stands on nothing but the awesome Love of God. In fact the point of life is love, and the point of love is God. So good deeds, freedom from sin, and the external markers of the Christan life kind of rest on that. If I want to live as a Christian, then Love, not religion or power or faith or prophecy is central to our existance. Love Conquers All. Love is life.
So what is love then?
Silly question, and yet…
Well the obvious answers would be
1. Love is… God, (well God is love)
2. Love is… (see 1 Cor. 13)
3. Love is… The greatest gift ever given, for it was out of love that our salvation was “fleshed out”
4. Love is… NOT an emotion
5. Love is… eternal
This is fun… I could keep going on this for a while… The definitions are endless.
But that is all for now.
But what do we do when we love? Who are we when we love? Those are my questions.
Love is when the very thought of someone becomes your only thought. When your every action has the underlying motive of "Will it please him? Will it make him happy? I love making him happy."
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