星期三, 一月 25, 2006

Uninterrupted Treasure or "The Way" in a nutshell

"Sell your life-li-hood, and give Mercy-Alms. Make for yourselves purses that don't grow old and uninterrupted treasure in the Heavens"--- Jesus (Luke 12:33) Daniel's translation

I love God. I think He's amazing. The preceding weeks have been a worldwind of God and life, future and destiny and the Heart of God. (Which is preeminently huge by the way) Such is seeking of the Heart of God. We need that and I'm starting to see that He and His heart are the only thing that matters.

At Visions last weekend, we had a Prophecy Conference and I was quite rocked by it, as the Lord showed Himself in this real and powerful way. To be honest, 4 days later, there's a lot here that I am still processing and this blog certainly won't be the definitive dissertation on the subject. I think God irrevocably redefined our relationship last weekend and I love it and want more. He kind of comes to me with this need for Him, setting my heart on fire with a dull aching for the Holiness of God and the rightness of His name (though it doesn't hurt-- hunger or thirst is probably a better metaphor-- frankly put I know what can fill my heart).

Ultimately, the biggest thing God stressed at the PC was just how much his heart beat for us. So much of our religious wondering gets in the way of just enjoying Jesus. He's a fan of us, He loves us and wants us to get together on a regular basis, not because we need religious points or need to secure our ticket to heaven, He wants us to hang around because He likes us. It's not nearly as deep as we make it, and God's motives are incredibly selfish in this regard. He thinks we are amazing and beautiful and mysterious and cool. Of all the things an omnipotent God could be doing, hanging out with humans is number 1 on His to-do list. I only hope I can say the same about Him.

More later, including the point of the verse above, it's not what you think....



At 3:23 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Ha ha... I am first to comment... Oh the privilege. But I am so refreshed to read your new perspective. It is primarily a relationship, not an obligation… and it’s so important we remember that. Because obligation breeds guilt, guilt breeds shame, and shame generates distance… and the last thing Jesus wants is for us to be distant. So I’ve just been desiring to fall deeply in love with Jesus, because it is then that I will think always of him, desire his presence, and seek out his word. That’s what he desires of me; and me of him… *sigh* Oh Lord…



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