星期日, 一月 15, 2006

Running around

I'm trying run back to my true self.

Honestly, I haven't been where I needed to be with God recently. No, it's been no glaring sins or incandescent transgressions, but I've felt like the the Lord is calling me to go higher. Like He knows I can do better and He's baffled why I don't. This thing is, so much of why I don't seek God like I should is because I'm trying to find out what seeking God really means. What does He want from any of us? In the kindest, best way I can think to say it, what does life, done how He wants it, look like?

I know that the only thing that keeps us locked on God is His treating us far better than we deserve (grace) and His giving us more credit then we merit (trust). He give us grace and He trusts us and that terrifies the spit out of me. Ultimately, the only thing that keeps honest, today, in the here and now, is grace- a grace I feel like I abuse because every waking moment is not spent taking full advantage of the time and resources and abilities I have been given.

Now, you all know I believe in the Bema seat of Christ- the eternal punishment and the eternal reward are cornerstones of our faith. But the problem is, they aren't real to us. If they were, they would scare the crap off us and we'd never move from the path of Christ, ever again. I guess what I'm asking is this, can we make real the two greatest commands- loving God and loving people- while still living and loving and flirting and writing and homeworking and drinking coffee and being a bum? Is the human life exclusive of the spiritual life? Can we pursue God and still be human?




At 1:19 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

wow... when I asked for a blog I didn't realize what I was in for... nice work buddy.

But seriously... this is quite something... I don't think the two are exclusive... and yet I guess I honestly don't know. I know God made us in his image, and gave us free will... he did in his wisdom what he could have changed in his power... and yet many christians refer to their "flesh" as some sort of enemy, and something we must get away from. So I'm confused... I think a Mocha Carmel may hold some interesting conversation potential.

Thank You...

At 10:09 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

I'm not as profound as you, Daniel, but I know that we must live our lives before men (and women) as the only gospel we can preach. And not think about it. Just live with "being in love with Jesus" on your face and in your eyes. They will see. As St Francis of Assissi said to his young priests, " Preach the Gospel always, using words when necessary."

At 9:51 上午, Blogger Daniel said...

To try and pick up the tenor of the thread, maybe God's heart is that of friendship for His people. We phrase our religious language often in activities that are different from our everyday walking around life, and there are somethings that God wants us to do. Any good relationship involves comittment, what it doesn't involve is duty. I like a girl, I spend time with her. However, I don't keep a log to ascertain that my relationship time spending standards are up to snuff. God is all about love, but it's a fierce unyielding love, with a jealousy as unyielding as the grave (Song of Songs 8). Duty has no place there.


At 5:03 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Now that's more like it... I think you hit the nail on the head with your comment... (not so much the blog)!

P.S. grandma is wise... lesten to her


At 5:05 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

I can't spell and it makes me want to cry...



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