星期三, 十一月 23, 2005

Dai Aynu

During the festival of Passover, The Jews recite a hymm detailing the works of their God in History, after each sentence of narration everybody at the table sings "Dai Aynu" detailing that if God hadn't done any of these things for the People Israel, if He didn't redeem them, nor heal them, nor save them from the Hand of the Pharoah, if the LORD had done nothing else, but existed,

Dai Aynu! It would have been enough for us!

So often, we think of redemption as personal reconciliation between us and God. We come to God because we are dirty and we need to be cleaned. While this is so true and right and real, we must realize that this redemption is freedom we don't deserve. Dai Aynu! It would have been enough for us!

I try to fight God on this all the time, like I still need to give Him a reason for loving me. As if my worth depends largely on what I put out, or how productive I am, or I how I show myself worthy of the deposit I have been given, and, while we certainly want to be wise with our gifts, they are not the instruments of our being made good--- God is. We think we have to output and output and output as if we have somehting to prove or justify to our God. We don't.

God has saved us, healed us and loved us. He wants to spend time with us, and woo us. He loves us and rescued us from every sort of evil thing and ever sort of horid malady. The LORD is so real and active on our behalf, and He chooses to be so. He's in this because He wants to be. And while, like the People of Israel, we can exclaim that the smallest morself from the hand of God would have been enough, I think God can say the same thing about us. No matter what small gifts we could bring to God, for Him, because it is from us, it would have been enough. DAI AYNU!

Happy Thanksgiving!




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