星期四, 十一月 24, 2005


I'm sitting here at my grandma's house, rendered imoblie by the profundity of food I have just consumed. I enjoy holiday's about eating and more than that, I enjoy the people around them. It seems like feasts like this are all about connecting and bonding and- for lack of a word less churchy- fellowship. Maybe that's why Jesus ate with people, because-- rich or poor, pagan or pious-- we all need to eat. A deep type of sharing emerges from the holidays. We learn that we are all essentially the same--- some of us know God, others don't and we all need Him more. We pray for each other, sure, but we learn that we shouldn't begrudge each other's spiritual progress at meals, after all, we got food to eat, right? I guess I'm all about a God who commands us to rest and enjoy time with Him and our families, at penalty of death, for most of our year (Read the Old Testament and the laws of the Sabbath and the Holidays--- while not applicable to Christians, they certainly show us where God's priorities are at!).

The point is, I am all about rest. As Christians in modern, post-modern, whatever-you-want-to-call-it, era, we must make every effort to free ourselves from the mindset that our worth lies in what we produce. Don't mistake me, God wants us to do well and to live vibrantly, to "be fruitful and mulitply" in the world in which we live. But if we don't or we can't, if we refuse to live in that suburb-slave mindset that demands that we are not really living well if we aren't at peak efficiency, pushed to the limits of production till we begin to die, God still loves us anyway. He still cares for us, and He still made us Who we are, regardless of if we conform to the doctor/lawyer/dentist mindset the world tell us we can't live with out.

I guess what I'm saying is I am all about the Bohemians and the wanderers and the street-corner, coffee shop intellectuals. Maybe it's cause I'm a college student or a malcontent (some would say they are synomonous!) that I'm probably too hard on the suburban crowd. After all the smartest people I know (my parents!!!!) are die-hard denizens of the suburbs. I grew up there, for pete's sake! It's just not for me.

Regardless of where you live, we do need to rest in God and each other. The Bible makes that startilingly clear. I guess the question I have to leave you all with, is, if you are doing what you love for a living, how do you rest from that, still enjoy your passions, without falling into the trap of endless production, without really living. How do I still study my beloved languages without thinking I need to study in order to validate or prove myself worthy?

Josh is buggin me to leave, so this is over. leave comments!!!!!!!!



At 5:59 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

hey there buddy. i see nothing wrong with suburbia. i love my j.crew and my croft and barrow. i love my lexus gold edition and my $225,000 house. and my manicured lawns. and my pre determined mindsets which are unflinching and immovable no matter what any other person would say or do...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
oooohhhhh, im definitely going to hell for that one. oh and by the way- thanks for making the world think. all that friction is probably what helps to make it continue to spin- so we dont all die... yours truly- the latino! owwww!

At 6:05 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

If you can get past the F word and very brief nudity, CRASH is a good movie. It covers racism and class... etc. I know the whole dont eat the brownie with crap in it but thing, but the movie is slightly on topic. Just thought I'd note it. God bless us everyone. Dan check out my site lately and tell me what you think. As long as its not: "Daniel... you've lost you mind." I found out what enigmic means. You and your broad vocabulary... much love, Daniel

At 11:21 下午, Blogger Daniel said...

Hey, I don't believe in the 'crap in the brownie' analogy (for the most part anyway... it can be taken too far in both directions).

Frankly, Christian movies need some darkness and grit. They need redemption, but, heck, we need to be redeemed from something. Evil exists, and it needs to be fought. Movies can teach us a bit of that. However, censors, for the most part (there is not rule here) would have us learn how to fight but practicing on air. I'm not talking about children, mind you. But some of the best movies I've seen show the consequeces of violence and immorality. After seeing Braveheart, I am much more likely to stand up for truth, even if a dude's head gets chopped off. After Derailed (go see it) I am much less likely to assume that the choices I make with my sexuality don't affect people. Premarital sex and violence are bad, but I know that not because I haven't seen them, but because I have seen them--- and their ugly consequences. Movies, to the wise viewer, can help us see that (without getting an STD or losing a limb).

And Matt, if making fun of suburbia sent people to hell, I would be in deep, deep trouble.




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