星期一, 二月 06, 2006

Hymn to the Lord of the Great Romance

Hymn to the Great Romance
By Daniel Gabriel Allegri

All hail the Triune Lover!
All hail the Fiery Just!
All hail the on-fire eyes!
All hail the chain-mail trust

All hail the Truly Great!
All hail the sooth-stained Good!*
All hail the fire-washed saint!
All hail the bloody rood!*

May the heart of evil ever fail
May they batter 'gainst it's bloodied helm
The floods of justice, soon prevailed,
The once-eldest sons, now overwhelmed.*

May we truly love! May we truly see!
Awash in that consuming swell
A bellowed cry, a mortal knell
a ransomed heart, an empty hell

May our Lover ever know
the consumation of our passion's flow
And may we beloveds ever see
His passion 'pon that glorious tree

rood: an ancient name for a piece of the true Cross
sooth: truth
eldest son: from the story of the prodigal son in Luke 14 or 15


At 12:34 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Bravo, Daniel, Bravo and Praise the Triune Living God.

At 6:39 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Wow… you continue to surprise me. I love it… with all my guts. You and your great romance… it’s ever so charming my friend. I think I shall ellipse… my way… out of here…

At 11:40 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

That sounds like It'd be one of those 80's millitant worship songs if you put worship to it...you know...like remember the one that we used to do at Mt. Hope: "MIGHTY WARRIOR!!! DRESSED FOR BATTLE!!! HOLY LORD OF ALL IS HE!!! "

At 1:42 上午, Blogger Daniel said...

hahah, I think it needs giant banners with the tribes of israel emblazoned on it... yes... lots of gigantic banners......



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