星期三, 三月 30, 2005

2nd peter 1:1-10 meditation

Hey sorry about not postin in a while, school is a monster. I'm even more sorry that i didn't proof read this. ah well.... I'm about as passionate about proofin' as I am about cleaning my room... maybe that's a bad thing..... hmmmmmm

Hope you guys enjoy, it's a good 'un


ps post more!!!!!

I’m trying to get a comprehensive picture of Scripture. I want to see it as a whole. I want the passion to scream at me, the love to shake me, the peace to overtake me. I want to perceive Kefa’s heart as he tells his communities of like-faith how they are to live if they want this Jesus thing to really work.
I’m struck by a couple things. First, that journey people travel in order to share in the divine nature. First is Trust, excellence (the mkjv translates this as moral excellence but it’s deeper than that- it’s what Achilles, Odysseus and Hector had. This is the excellence that makes men heroes), knowledge, self-control, patience, goodworship/godliness, brother/friend love, and lastly and most grand- the love that dies. The words themselves burn in my soul. What does it mean to apprehend the concepts? How is it than when we walk this road of progression we become unshakeable? The Greek is ironclad, he who walks this road will NEVER stumble.
It’s also cool how you add one to the other. You don’t leave trust in pursuit of excellence, nor knowing in pursuit of self-control. Furthermore, all these things that pertain to life and godliness come through knowing Him as you know a friend, a brother. To reach Godliness, you don’t know about God as you know about calculus or Spanish, you recognize Him when you see Him and that brings you to the life He bought you- the life he made you for.
For instance, I am sitting writing this in espresso royale. I am outside, surrounded by dreadlocks, cigarette smoke and street corner guitar. I’m fighting the urge to go inside because it’s a little cold and the bush/cheney stickers on my laptop make me feel like a target in a crowd that you could not exactly bring your mom to. The guitar music, joking, laughing and dancing all are sweet and savoury however, even the cigarette smoke, though it makes me cough a little, is sweet incense. People walk by the café, see somebody they know and the crowd just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger….
Is God here? I believe He is, and by recognizing Him here as He is everywhere, God has given us everything that makes us unshakeable. His divine power grants us all this unshakeableness through the weight of Him and same excellence I talked about above, that life of a hero that saves the world. Christ died and rose in this hero feat. He dove to hell and back in an attempt to save the world and set our feat upon this Holy road, paved with the recognition that God is everywhere, ever the passionate lover screaming our name.

(The weightiness of God might sound unusual but think about it- we all know what it means for someone’s presence to weigh on us. One cannot escape from those who are truly worthy of respect, even in their absence.)


At 9:19 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

wowsy wowsa- good stuff. i just wish i wasnt so flippin tired. woke up an hour earlier. on account of my stupid clock. but its good, i just cant remember the sentence i read previous at this ungodly time of day...ummm what was i sayin? i dont know...mrt



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