星期五, 二月 11, 2005

intuition and God

I'm in this physics and art class. It's pretty interesting (on the off chance my prof is reading this!) how the two are often related. Physics shapes people's worldviews and their worldviews shape their art. It's as if art comes out of the depths of who they are, (their lev- their heart) and all sorts of things (including science) affect that.

Then, there is Kepler. This guy was nuts. He ends up discovering that the planets move in elliptical orbits (not circular as was the dogma of the time) and other various relationships between the distance from the sun and the planetary orbits. What makes him crazy, though, is that he does this practically blindfolded. It was like the pinata game, where you spin a kid around several times and tell him to hit a moving target. Only imagine the kid pulling out a gun and shooting the donkey point blanc right between the eyes. Then imagine the kid picking up his stick again and acting all dizzy. This is Kepler, master of the flash in the pan inspiration.

The man made all these mistakes, didn't fix any of them, and still became the foundation for modern astronomy with the stuff he did get right. His childhood was horrible, his mom was accused of witchcraft, his dad ran off, he got picked on in school, he had mange and worms! Who gets mange and decides they want to invent the laws of planetary motion? Apparently Kepler does....

Anyway, the point the reading was trying to make was that Kepler did this all by intuition. He said it was sort of like a lockpick using an old hanger to jimmy open a door. He does it by intuition because he knows what works. He's got a feel for it. I wonder if my relationship with God is like that. Do I have that intuition that knows the rhythm of God's breathing even if I'm trying to bs my way through a million other things? Is my heart good enough to live by the instinct of my heart?

He did say we were given a new heart and a new mind. In Jerimiah, he says from the least to the greatest, everyone will know God. You won't have to teach anybody because it will be written on our hearts and our minds--- instinct living in the rhythm of God.

The rhythm of God, what does it mean to slow down when God rests and speed up when he runs? What does it mean to breath in synch with the same lungs that blew life into your very soul? What is the rhythm of God?




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