星期一, 二月 07, 2005

Where do I go?

I like what I've written so far. Writting this blog has been immensly cathartic because in writing I find it easier to be honest. I can say stuff without varnish or "fakery" (that one was for you Daron!) The fact that it is open to everyone gives me a chance to not pose before people, even if it is at least once a day.

On the night of Jesus' betrayal, right before the dirty deed was about to happen, Jesus told his diciples that they were going to leave Him, but he stressed it would be temporary. To paraphrase, He said, "You will all deny me, but after I get up, I will lead you into Galilee." That dichotomy there of "you will deny me, but I will lead you" is so beautiful. God will still lead these men, regardless of their spineless betrayal. He doesn't care what they did, who they were, or what they are now. All the matters is regardless of what they do, God will lead them. When I don't know what to say or where to go or who I am, God will lead me and go before me. He will be the good shepherd (that's how middle eastern shepherds worked, they led the sheep, they didn't drive them.). That gives me this great sense of peace!

'sall I got, somebody post.



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