星期日, 二月 06, 2005

In front of my eyes....

The following is a seedling of an idea for Greenhouse's offerings night in a couple weeks. Let me know what you think. It's a monologue from the priest who discovered the law after it was lost.

We lost the law. The dusty scroll of Moses sat in stark contrast to the temple, the rituals, the priesthood--- my life! I just don't know what to think any more, about God, life or anything. What have we been doing the last few centuries? Playing? Fooling around, play-acting as the people of The Name. Could we possibly think Adonai would not be angry? Did we really think we wouldn't care? That he would be okay with our safe and religious arm's length from the God of our Fathers and not care we have defiled him?

We have slandered The Name before the nations. They are going to look on us and smear him, saying, "Their God is forsaken by even his own people! His own nation refuses to honour his name! What is He to us?" Because of our infidelity, the Name is slandered just as grieviously as if we spit on his face ourselves. We have heaped shame upon shame upon our heads and reveled in our prostitution till the HOLY ONE vomits. Why? Because we would not be bothered in our comfortable bed of adultery with those other no-gods of the nations.

We lost the law in plain sight. It was in front of our eyes, to be tasted and touched and experienced. It was meant to be lived in this great adventure with The Name wooing us in hopeless romance. He wanted us to love Him and be romanced by Him. We didn't lose the law; we ignored it. It was sitting right in front of our eyes- life- and we couldn't care less if the HOLY ONE Himself were crying at our feet, begging us to return to who we really are. In a sense, that is what the HOLY ONE is doing, standing outside our window, screaming about the many waters that cannot quench love and the rivers that can't overwhelm it. He repudiates those fools who would not even give up their own comforts for love when a man can give his whole house for the love of the HOLY and it would be utterly scorned. He stands outside, like King Solomon, pleading to put us as a seal upon his arm, for He is his lover's and we are His.

But we would hide behind the temple and our religion instead of embrace the truth and the life of his purpose. I pray there is still hope. There must be. Were all the sweet nothings of romance whispered in our ears really nothing? Was God really serious that nothing could overwhelm His love- not even us? God, our sin is an endless ocean in which we are drowning! We are suffocating under the weight of our transgressions! Are You big enough to rescue us? Then the HOLY asks, are we willing to be rescued? What else can I do but tear my clothes and weap in ashes. LORD of Hosts, I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I pray that is enough.



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