星期五, 二月 04, 2005

a generation that seeks

I hate how school makes me put the blog on the back burner sometimes. I am way too busy. Life must be processed and chewed on to see God in it and too often our pace makes that impossible. I need time with Jesus and my thoughts. I need HIM.

I woke up this morning with "God let us be, that generation that seeks your face, oh God of Jacob!" running thorough my head. I love the name 'God of Jacob' because of that scene in the Torah where God wrestles Jacob. They wrestle, ultimately, for his identity. Jacob won't let God go until he gets Him to bless his life. God takes his hip out, gives him a new name "Yisra'el" (He wrestles with God), and leaves. There's all these themes of struggle and determination and weakness and identity throughout the entire story. Most of the Patriarchs lived out one of those threads (weakness, identity, struggle or determination) in there various wanderings through the desert. I think the church needs to begin wrestling to really see the God of Jacob.

I gave my history of physics prof a book by Francis Schaeffer wednesday. I was all excited because all the stuff we've learned about directly ties into that book and everything Schaeffer writes. The problem is, he immediatly tuned out once he found out Schaeffer was a pastor. That amazes me because God screams loudly in the sciences. It's a wonder very few can hear his volume.

In the God of Jacob



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