God and us, may it be so!

Kiss the Son, lest He be angry and you perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Oh the blessings of all those who flee to Him for refuge! Psalm 2:12
If the Lord really feels like this towards us, then how far are we willing to go for Him, our soul's Lover?
Baruch Atah Adonai! Shem HaKavod
How far are you willing to go for true love in the middle of a world at war?
Words can't express our true love, Lord. You are fierce and beautiful LORD, like a kiss. I pray we would understand you in this way and love you with this passion. Let us hear your voice with a passion for You and not from a man-pleasing desire to seem spiritual and pious and close to you. We deserve nothing, Lord, and Your grace is sufficient. We Love You. I love You. Be fierce in our midst. We love You LORD! I, we all, die without YOU oh Lord, maker of Heaven and earth! I am in love!
Song of Songs 8:7
PS be with Sonja's family, it's tough for her Lord.
that is really awesome!! and it reminds me of a misty edwards song! "how far will you let me go? how abandon will you let me be?" and so on!
God is love and love is real
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