星期二, 十月 04, 2005

Savages of the Desert: The Savage God

Our God is a savage according to His definition, not ours.

God pursues us. He waits for us. He loves us. He died for us and He lives for us. Don't mistake me, we certainly aren't the point of creation (there are things much more powerful and good than our lives-- namely His). But in a way, we ARE the point. The Nativity happened because God wanted to invade the world and rescue his true love. The Incarnation happened because God loved us and wanted to meet us where we were at. The Cross happened because God didn't care what it cost Him, he would love us in His sweep-her-off-her-feet, breathless sort of way. The Resurection happened because nothing could restrain Him from His beautiful warrior princess (the Church). The Return will happen because God wants to reward this beautiful warrior princess for fighting valiently in His name.

God has a one track mind--- us. And yet this doesn't mean we should be focused on ourselves, we should be focused on God (and by implication others). This is the beauty of a couple in love, each trying to shift the attention to the other member until it escolates into a panoply of attention drawn to the other person. And that is love, when the only thing that matters is the beloved. Not you, not your money or your family or your education or anything else. Love is focus to an extreme degree and that focus is essentially savage. It doesn't listen to the those who try to stifle love, saying, "You must be prudent, that kind of thing just isn't done." The love of God doesn't listen to such protests, instead it gives everything and dies for what it believes about the beloved: that we are worth it. The love of God, the Cross, and all His dealings with human kind from Creation to the Return are marked by God not caring what happened or what lesser measures would or wouldn't work. That doesn't matter to Him because anything less than His very best would be unthinkable to Him anyway. God just gives up, walks up to the Cross and dies because He thinks we are worth it. For Him, nothing else matters--- nothing.

And that love, ladies and gentlemen, is the most savage force in all the universe.



At 11:45 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

and i guess that the way that we start to understand ultimately the savagery of this "GOD" love (if you will) is when we in turn love him like he loves us. when we lay down our crosses, and when we run into the darkness for our lover, and when we lower ourselves to the ground for the sake of him, and when we neglect that which is even most vital to us (fasting, water, food etc.) in attempts to connect deeper with him. all these things would and do seem savage but they arent once youre in true love- i mean you know what they say- love is blind. at least im blinded by his love- good writing warrior princess (haha)- mrt

At 4:41 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

"I can't see you at all," said Shasta, after staring very hard. Then (for an even more terrible idea had come into his head) he said, almost in a scream, "You're not-not something DEAD, are you? Oh please-please do go away. What harm have I ever done you? Oh ! I am the unluckiest person in the whole world!"

Once more he felt the warm breath of the Thing on his hand and face. "There," it said, "that is not the breath of a ghost. Tell me your sorrows."

Shasta was a little reassured by the breath, so he told how he had never known his real father or mother and had been brought up sternly by the fisherman. And then he told the story of his escape and how they were chased by lions and forced to swim for their lives; and of all their dangers in Tashbaan and about his night among the tombs and how the beasts howled at him out of the desert. And he told about how the heat and thirst of their desert journey and how they were almost at their goal when another lion chased them and wounded Aravis. And also, how very long it was since he had had anything to eat.

"I do not call you unfortunate," said the Large Voice.

"Don't you think it was bad luck to meet so many lions?" said Shasta.

"There was only one lion," said the Voice.

"What on earth do you mean? I've just told you there were at least two the first night, and-"

"There was only one: but he was swift of foot."

"How do you know?"

"I was the lion."

Yow. No tame lion we serve. He'll wound us, chase us, scare us, stretch us, torment us, and force us into paths we'd rather not try. However, he always guides us on the way that is the best, and ultimately has a bigger plan beyond what we can see. Safe? Of course he's not safe.

At 6:05 下午, Blogger Daniel said...

Matt, You're a dork, but right. I didn't even think about radically applying the spiritual diciplines to this concept. It works swimingly

Linda, AMEN, I was trying to get through an entire spiel of the savagry of God without tying in Lewis, (just to see if I could really), I guess the untame lion is pretty hard to escape in or out of those books.

And that brings me to my next point....



At 10:04 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Hey Dan...see how well you can do...


1. Harry and Frodo each encounter a giant ugly troll. Where are they each when they encounter their respective troll?
2. Harry and Frodo each encounter a giant freakin' spider. Where are they each when they encounter their respective spider?
3. Joseph (from the book of Genesis) and Anakin were both slaves, but ended up becoming important politicians. In fact, they held very similar offices. What did they each become?
4. Joseph (from the book of Genesis) and Anakin each got in a lot of trouble because of their dreams. Name a significant dream that each of them had.
5. Name three ways to get from England to Narnia and three ways to get from England to Hogwarts
6. In the Harry Potter universe, "apparition" is disappearing from one spot and reappearing in another. In the book of Acts, who was able to do this?
7. Eustace and Smeagol each put on a gold piece of jewelry that they "found" that turned them into something bad. Respectively, what did they turn into?
8. How is Caspian's visit to the Lone Islands similar to Aragorn's coming to Minas Tirith?
9. In "Voyage of the Dawn Treader", the ship sails east. In "Return of the King", the ship sails west. Where are those ships headed? What real place do those destinations represent?
10. Name 10 Hogwarts instructors who did NOT teach Defense against the Dark Arts



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