星期一, 九月 19, 2005

Our equipment is faulty

We live in a world most desprately sick. It is dying because, at it's basest core, something went contrary to the deep rhythms of the universe---- namely sin. As such, the Bible says we must test everything. We must have skeptism of what we hear from heaven, not because we doubt God, but because we doubt ourselves. We know our 'hearing equipment' is not up to snuff. Sin has deafened and blinded us to the real world--- that of the Spirit. (read 1 John)

The thing is, how we perceive the world is limited to what we can see and perceive in these 3-dimensions-and-time. But when we hear God, there will always be something pushing on us from beyond those 3-dimensions-and-time. God, for whatever reason, has decided to exist outside our perception. He every so often enters the realm of the perceivable, in fact he does that often. That's the point of the Kingdom of God--- Emmanuel-- God with us. However, we are not there yet and because the 'language' God speaks to us with is one we have to learn. It is vitally important that we test ourselves to understand that we aren't missing His point.

I have this friend who says he hears from God. Now, I have no idea if the guy hears from God or not. It's not my place to test for him, he's got to test himself.... himself. However, I see what's coming out of his hearing from God and I don't like it. It doesn't jive with who I know God to be. It's difficult to but my finger on it and if I were to explain it to him, he'd have no idea what I'm talking about (maybe because he doesn't want to know).

However, I guess the reason why I'm skeptical is because God never disagrees with him. It says in Hebrews that God loves those whom he disciplines. Does my friend allow God to discipline him? Does God exist for this guy outside of the role my friend has given him--- the justifier of everything my friend says? Is God big enough to disagree violently? To totally change our paradigm because we can always change, always grow, always do better? Aslan is not a tame lion, and he often tells us what we don't like or don't agree with. However, He's God, so that means He is right and we are wrong. Maybe the authority of the church is what is needed to slap one believer upside the head when he falls into this error.

I should not be writing this--- the Bible says to make every effort to keep the bond of peace. Correction shouldn't happen in a public forum, at least not at first. I've talked to him several times about stuff like this, trying to test him, to show him that there might be holes in his thinking, that he might be wrong in a whole host of different situations. There's nothing else I can do here, save pray God show him some more truth. The Bible says, 1. take it to the person, one on one, 2. take it to him with another brother (there are no others who would do this with me I think). 3. Take it to the community. (That's what this is about.)

If he's not too busy praying to a God too small to disagree and can figure out that this is him, he's welcome to address me concerning this issue on the redpool and in real life. However, I really don't think he will read this or think I am talking about him. Whatever happens, I would appreciate no personal attacks on anyone and discourse wrought in the brotherly love of fellow Christ followers. In disagreements is where the Church of Christ proves she is really the Church of Christ.

Peace of Christ



At 12:16 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

hey didnt read- but umm yeah. 22 tomorrow. i holi mijo! yeah so now that ive tried my broken spanish and probly failed miserably ill leave now. buh bye- mrt

At 9:17 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Hmmmm...Daniel, don't be discouraged. You are doing your part. Yes, it's frustrating when someone claims the cause of Christ--however off the mark his cause may seem to be, but it is not your job to do the necessary work within his heart. Keep on plugging along being a friend and maybe not necessarily telling him the error of his ways (since most people tend not to trust another human source), but encouraging and challenging him to support his belief. He can take it as an attack or an opportunity. No matter how frustrating it is, God does the planting. We sow the seeds.

Keep the faith,

At 11:14 上午, Blogger Daniel said...

Amen, no you are definitely right. I do tend to want to fix things and rectify people and I can't do that. Only the Holy Spirit can do that... and then only if my friend wants to. I think that standing for the truth in love is one of the hardest parts of this giant Jesus adventure. We don't always do it and I think that is to our shame.


At 4:54 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

The most dreaded words any woman can say to a man (your mother, friend, girlfriend, sister...pick the relationship) are "we need to talk." I think a man would rather face a dragon than a woman who needs to talk.

But those talks, as hard as they are, are what makes peace.

Seriously talk to the dude. Say "hey...I've noticed something about what you're hearing from God." Come to him humbly, and I think he'll probably listen to what you have to say without interrupting.

My worship team at church is currently having a lot of issues going on from a lack of communication from leadership, so today I sat down with my leader and had a talk. I wanted to clear up rumors. I wanted to vent. I wanted to share my fears. It was a hard conversation, but I think it made me feel a lot better about a lot of things, and helped the leader as well.

Talk to him. He ears might not be as deaf as you imagine.

At 6:05 下午, Blogger Daniel said...

Yeah, as always your prowably wight....




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