星期日, 九月 11, 2005


no es este el relato de hazanas impresionantes, no es tampoco meramente un "relato poco cinico" no quiere serlo por lo menos. Es un trozo de dos vidas tomadas en un momento en que cursaron juntas un determinado trecho, con identidad de aspiraciones y conjuncion de ensuenos. Un hombre en nueve meses de su vida puede pensar en muchas cosas que van de la mas elevada especulacion filosofica al rastrero anhelo de un plato de sopa, en total correlacion con el estado de vacuidad de su estomago; y si al mismo tiempo es algo aventurero, en ese lapso puede vivir momentos que tal vez interesen a otras personas, y cuyo relato indiscriminado constituira algo asi como estas notas.

this is not the story of impressive deeds, neither is it merely a little cynical story. It doesn't mean to be at least. It's a piece of two lives taken in a moment which run together a determined strech, with identity of aspirations and a conjunction of common dreams. A man in nine months of his life can think on many things that go from the most elevated philosophical speculation to the face yearning for a plate of soup, in total correlation with the state of emptiness of his stomach, and if at the same time it's something adventurous, en this lapse can live moments that maybe interest other people, and whose indescriminate story can constitute something like these stories.

This is the opening paragraph from "los diarios de motocicleta" by Che Guevara. What does it take to have this kind of life, this "identity of aspiracions and conjunction of common dreams?" I'm realy curious for your opinions, people! SPEAK!



At 7:01 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Ummmm...yeah...I remember the good old days when the questions I was faced with were: "what kind of soup should I have?" "Where is God in all this?" "What are my dreams and aspirations?" "Do we all have the same dreams and aspirations?"

So now the questions are

"What blood vessels are in the anterior mediastinal space?"

"Can you explain the orientation of the costal/demifacets of T9 and T10 and talk about variations between specimens?"

"What are the attachment sites for the suboccipitals?"

"What is the consequence of the lumbar zygapophyses lying on the saggital plane?"

"Will I flunk this class?"

"Will my aunt ever talk or walk again?"

"Will I ever get over the smell of dead/skinned/old people soaking in formaldehyde?"

Um...yeah. Philosophical discussions over literature sound GREAT RIGHT NOW!!

(Sorry about the rant. First round of exams are on Tuesday and Wednesday. Pray that the 12 cups of coffee a day don't give me heart palpations.)

At 9:59 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

ok. first off laughing at linda there. sorry- your just funny chick.
anyways your question was a little muddled...either that or im on break at work at 9:57 and i really want to go to sleep.....................................alkalsdkf............. alj oops sorry- anyways you spelled indiscriminate wrong (i think) umm but ill catch you tonite anyways...ciao- mrt



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