星期日, 四月 10, 2005

pentience and catharsis

Mike Thompson said last night at Visions that if put God first in your life and serve others, the sin we struggle with becomes a moot point.

I struggle with fear. Fear that I don't know. Fear that I will be confused or disoriented by my own flawed thinking and miss my chance to see God. Fear that I will never make good on my resolution. Fear that my flaws and failings and lusts will prevent me from telling a woman she is truly beautiful. Fear that talking to people will just make us both feel awkward because there are a great many times when I just have nothing to say.

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out all fear, because fear has punishment. He who fears is not made perfect in love.-- the Apostle John (1 John 4:18)

Lord God, make me perfect in love, not just so I can be free of fear but so I can love others!!!!!!!!!



At 8:24 上午, Blogger Daniel said...

so how do we grasp that?

At 10:18 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Okay...TELL WOMEN THAT THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL. It doesn't mean that you are flirting or flattering, or that you are putting your heart out to be broken. It means that you are being Christ, and seeing people as Christ would. (Thomas and Chelise...since you know the analogy.)

According to "Shape" magazine, only 2% of American women would describe themselves as beautiful. Less than 30% view themselves as somewhat attractive. This means that the majority of women do not have any clue that they are worthwhile, for isn't beauty what humans appreciate? For didn't God create us to love beauty?

There's a big difference between "You look beautiful" and "You ARE beautiful". Women don't want to look beautiful, because that's surfacy. They want to be the captivating type of beauty that men fight wars for.

When I was at Teen Mania, the number one reason that men were dismissed from the program was porn. The number one reason that women were dismissed was for eating disorders. When men choose something that LOOKS beautiful over something that IS beautiful, it hurts women. We give up trying to BE beautiful and try to LOOK beautiful, in a cheap attempt to capture men's hearts. They wear sexy clothes, defile themselves, and cry themselves to sleep every night, because they feel like they can't measure up to the image on the electronic screen.

Tell women that they are beautiful, genuinely and honestly. Be Christ's love, and the voice of truth in a world full of lies.



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