星期一, 四月 11, 2005


Sinned again last night. I believe that the point of grace is God forgiving you so you can get your issues fixed. But I desprately want to get them all fixed, it's just sometimes I forgive with the knowledge that God will get me "on the rebound" so I don't have to be pure. The problem is, in that thinking you begin to forget what pure looks like. You begin to get desensitized to what you do wrong. God, I pray desprately that I still be revolted by my own sin. I pray I can never fall into the trap of getting so cocky I forget I sin. I pray I can pursue you with everything I have. I pray I can never hide behind piety but become real and intimate with everyone God gives me to be so, so I have other soldiers watching my back.


At 5:51 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

you know i always have your back bro. always...mrt

At 10:06 上午, Blogger Daniel said...

You are a champion, Matthew, thank you so much.


At 1:59 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Did you lie? Were you selfish? Did you dishonor your parents? Did you worship an idol? Did you commit adultry? Did you covet something? Did you break Sabbath?

Those things aren't really Dan-like...

At 2:26 下午, Blogger Daniel said...

WHY DOES EVERYBODY WANT TO KNOW WHAT I DID???? I am not frustrated or angry. I think it's frickin funny, to be totally honest.

The church needs to be honest and to start admitting that tons of stuff goes on beneath the surface which we know NOTHING ABOUT! In the past couple months, I've had friends come to me with homosexuality, depression, eating disorders, pornography, even one dude who was legally blind and faked it so well I had no idea.

These things need to be ministered to, dealt with and brought to God for healing, freedom, and life. We need to realize that the human condition is such that we are broken dying lonely people who need God and each other. MAN NEEDS GOD or he is lost. Shame kills. God brings everything to the light. There is a verse for that but I can't remember it and I have to go. I will post more on this later.




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