星期五, 四月 08, 2005

the pope

I read somewhere that it is possible to be right without being good and that Christianity needs to be both or it is not the way of Jesus.

The Pope died recently and I feel, to some degree, he was both right and good. God honoured him for that. Now, don't mistake me I think hierarchy is not how God wants things. God doesn't want anybody to be exalted above his brothers, that much is evident in the plain teaching of Scripture. Catholics have a lot I don't agree with.

(I apologize I cannot laud someone without feeling compelled to say where I differ with that person. I apologize for my need to always want the last word. That's not Christlike. I'm trying
:-) )

Anyway, whatever you think about the catholics, John Paul II worked for peace. He was partly responsible for the fall of communism. He spoke out for peace, the rights of the unborn, and the preservation of life. He fought for the rights of the poor and the oppressed. He did that all in the name of Christ, the God I serve.

I pray that his critics, whatever their stripe, will do the same.

Soli Deo Gloria, Amen




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