星期三, 二月 02, 2005

white castle and knowing people as God does....

I forgot to put this up last night. I went to Sparty's last night to get a hot pocket because I hadn't eaten and the cafes were closed. These two girls were standing there in disgusted shock about this empty box of White Castle burgers. When you think about it, it really should disgust you. 1. They were White Castle. 2. They were microwavable so I doubt they even came from animal/vegetable/ mineral. 3. THEY WERE ALL GONE!!!!!! ewwwwwww!!! We eventually got to talking after I thanked them for saving me some money. (Just kidding it takes a lot to disuade me from eating!)

Anyway, it goes back to wondering what to do in small talk situations. I don't want to waste their time with "Where are you from?" and "What do you study?" I want to find someone's passions and glories, I want to know men and women as Christ knows them. That's the only thing that matters.

But do I want to be known like that? Do I people to pursue me in that Christlike love that reveals everything but heals everything too? Do I want somebody to know me like that? I don't know but in my more honest moments I lean towards the negative and that scares me a little. I want to be open and known, but I don't know if I really want someone to know EVERYTHING.

but John says that if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we will have intimacy/sharing with one another (1 john 1:7)

so Christ commands it




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